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Why We Welcome All Art Experience Levels

art experience bream methodology elder artists meritocracy myth older adult artists outsider artist outsider artists seasoned artists Apr 21, 2022

Bream welcomes folks without art experience and seasoned artists to our platform. This is core to our platform, methodology and curricula.

“Outsider Artists”

Within art history, the term outsider artists is used for artists who are self-taught or supposedly naive artists with typically no contact with the conventional art world. There are many “outsider artists” that have had accomplished, creative and meaningful careers. For example artists like Jean DuBuffet and Judith Scott. In addition, there are many examples of artists throughout history whose work was not critically acclaimed or respected during their lifetimes.

Meritocracy within the Art World

At Bream, we don’t agree with the meritocracy within the art world. We believe that all artists have equal merit to create and share their work. We believe that all humans are inherently creative and have the capacity to be artists.

We Welcome All

Our classes are designed to engage with artists from a variety of art backgrounds. This includes someone who has never taken an art class before. This includes an artist who has many years of experience and training. Our classes are broken down into suggested experience levels. Ultimately, it is up to the class participant to decide what and how they want to learn these materials.