Blog with Bream

Naming Colors: An Exercise in Perspective art experience artprocess artprogramsforelders colors creative process creativeexercise creativewriting creativity namingcolors processoverproduct Jul 27, 2022

For centuries, artists have explored, used, and attempted to understand colors. Abandoning the belief that shadows were purely brown or black, the Impressionists incorporated other colors, such as blues and purples to depict shadow. Artists like Rothko pushed the meaning of color further,...

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Creative Aging: Healing Through Art aging arteducation artprogramsforelders creativeaging elder elder artists elderhealth healthandwellness healthcareforelders olderadult olderadultartist sciencebased seniorartists Jul 13, 2022

What is creative aging?

In general, creative aging emphasizes the importance of nurturing creativity in older adults through meaningful engagement with the arts to produce a higher quality of life. In particular, creative aging programs, such as BREAM classes, aim to promote social engagement and...

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